Andrew's Christmas Greeting in Song

An Invitation to Support a Response to Homelessness this Season

“Lord who left the highest heaven for a homeless human birth,

And a child within a stable came to share the life of earth,

With your grace and mercy bless all who suffer homelessness”   

          (lyrics, Tim Dudley-Smith  - tune IRBY, H.J. Gauntlett)     

Please remember this Christmas season those who face homelessness and hunger.     To support by a donation in Canadian $, use the Click Here to Give button on the website for St. Anne & St. Edmund, Parksville, BC (Canada),, and add “homeless support” as a memo item  

For those (like me) who are visiting or living in Madeira, we are raising funds to help feed 150-200 people each day here in Funchal, and you may donate in person to our outreach collection before or after each Sunday morning service at the English Church, Igreja Inglesa, 18 Rua Quebra Costas, Funchal.   

Protection of copyright for the use and broadcast of this hymn is covered through OneLicense, A-725292.